Multivitamin Studio reach 10-year milestone


Multivitamin Studio reach 10-year milestone

For the past 10 years, Multivitamin has been Pushing the Possible, proudly working with dynamic clients on ambitious projects including Creative UK, Cornwall Place Board and LocalGlobe.

Established in 2011, Multivitamin has been no stranger to growth and transformation having undergone a digital transformation with each studio. In 2020 Vitamin London, Vitamin Commerce formerly Little Vitamin and Vitamin Cornwall all underwent a rebrand process to unify the teams and create a brand that acts as a point of inspiration. Each studio had a unique sonic identity designed and curated which fitted their character and could stand-alone or be combined with any or all other studios within the Multivitamin to form a harmonious chorus of collaboration. The sonic branding won multiple awards including Creativepool in 2020.

Multivitamin's Founder & ECD Jacob Beckett, comments on the milestone ‘What started 10 years ago with £500 in the bank has turned into one of my proudest achievements.

Starting a business is easy. Building a business is hard. Without investment, we’ve grown to 40 people and helped our partners build over £200m in value, we’ve got more strategic and we’ve made a real, positive impact.’

In celebration of the past decade, Multivitamin has created a showreel showcasing their exciting projects and amazing clients. To enjoy the video click here.


Written by Jacob Beckett, Founder & Executive Creative Director at Multivitamin Studio

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